Tomeaka Hunt

Tomeaka Hunt

Girls' Athletic Coordinator

I am honored to work with your child(ren) this year. I am from Pass Christian, Mississippi, but has lived in Victoria, Texas since 2013. I earned my associate degree in early education from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, a B.S. in Education from the University of Houston-Victoria, and a M.Ed. in Principalship and Leadership from Lamar University. I have 7 years of teaching experience with VISD. This year will be my third year at Cade teaching PE and coaching girls’ athletics. I have been married for 8 years to Derrick Hunt and together we have 7 children: Derrick Hunt, Derrianna Hunt, A’zorea (Zo) Morgan, Damari Hunt, Azyiah (Zy) Morgan, Annod Morgan, and Elijah Hunt. It is my pleasure to serve you and your child(ren). I look forward to working and collaborating with you as we grow your child physically, mentally, emotionally, and academically, etc. Please feel free to contact me at or (361) 788-2840, ext. 34183.


2024-25: PE students will not be dressing out all year.

2024-25: Pre-Athletic students will dress out beginning Tuesday, August 13th. Locks & lockers are provided for their use. No outside locks are permitted.

2024-25: 7th & 8th grade female athletes will receive a class set of clothes to wear. They are on loan for the school year and must be returned in good condition at the end of the school year.

Grey t-shirt: no V-neck or scoop neck. Must be comfortable to workout in and play volleyball in. Midriff shirts, tank tops, sleeveless shirts are not allowed.

Black bottoms: Shorts (min. 3" inseam), joggers, sweats are all allowed. No leggings worn solo. You may wear leggings under shorts only.

Shoes: Tennis shoes must lace up and not slip on. Vans, Sperry’s, & other flat bottom, no tread shoes are not appropriate for the gym, track, and fields.

Sports Bras must be worn every day.

Water bottle: On conditioning days you will need a container to fill with water. On volleyball days, you do not need water in the gym. It can be kept in your locker or in the hallway.

Hair: Must be worn in a pony tail. If hair is too short, must be pulled back away from face.

NOT ALLOWED: Long fingernails (fake or real long nails are hazardous). This is a hazard to you and others. Jewelry may not be worn during class. Fitbit & sports watches may be worn on workout days and during track season.