Upcoming Events**
May 1st- Online registration opens for the 2024-2025 school year
August 13th- 1st day of School
Mrs. Spring Ganem
Cade MS Guidance Counselor's Secretary/Registrar
**2024-2025 Registration Information***
Current VISD Students:
If you are a current student at VISD as of April 16, 2024 you will receive a snapcode via email the week of April 26th. Online registration will open on May 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year. Please remember that registration is not complete until we receive updated proof of residency, photo ID and immunization record (7th grade). Student will not receive a schedule in August until registration is complete.
New to the District:
**If you are new to the district and need to register, please start with the online registration located on the home page, www.visd.net. Your student is concerned new if he/she was not enrolled with VISD as of April 16,2024. I will need your proof of residency, photo id, an updated shot record, and any school records. If you have any questions please email me I will be glad to help! Once I have received your online registration, I will send you a welcome email just letting you know that I did receive it.
My email address is : spring.ganem@visd.net
Bulldog Strong!