Mr. Simmons CTE
General Employability Skills
Clifton Simmons: General Employability Skills
Welcome to General Employability Skills I am your teacher: Clifton Simmons, MBA.
Phone: 361-788-2830 ext. 39144, Email Address:
Conference Period: 6TH Period, Room A144
Welcome to General Employability Skills! I am pleased you have chosen this course. You will learn valuable skills that can be used during your school years and/or on the job
Course Description
This course will provide instruction in general employability skills as well as the pre-requisite skills for general employability. Employability skills are the skills and attitudes that allow employees to get along with their co-workers, make important work-related decisions and become strong members of the work team. Discovering job possibilities that link skills, abilities, interest, values, needs and work environment preferences is a part of the process of obtaining employability skills and abilities and is experiential learning that takes place over time.
Keyboarding Techniques
Mavis Beacon keyboarding software
Word Processing (Microsoft Word)
Desktop Publishing (Microsoft Publisher)
Integrated Projects
Dress for Success
How to Meet & Greet co-workers
Classroom Rules/Procedures
All VISD classroom rules and procedures will be followed. Several rules/procedures are highlighted below and/or specific to General Employability Skills Labs:
VWHS Committed to Excellence
Grading Guidelines
Daily 60%
Tests/Special Projects 40%
This course is designed to guide students in obtaining the knowledge and the employability skills that are transferable among a variety of jobs and careers and are considered essential in any employment situation. Students will learn and apply basic knowledge of what is expected in the workplace.
Attendance is important
Be on time and ready to work with appropriate materials
Tardy Policy will be enforced.
Use the Internet only when completing an assignment.
Be respectful of school property, teachers and classmates