Grades & Tutorials
Mandatory Tutorials for Freshmen Wednesday 3-4 PM
JV & Varsity is Tuesdays afterschool
Freshmen and JV will have tutorials on the day of a game being played at Home.
6 Weeks Grade Report
Fri, Sept. 20, 2024
If a student is not passing all of his/her classes then the student will be ineligible to play in a Game (but they are still required to practice) starting, Fri, Sept. 27, 2024
9 Weeks Grade Report
Fri., Oct. 11, 2024
Same as the 6 Week Grade Report, lose eligibility Oct. 18, 2024.
- A student who was failing at the 6 weeks can regain eligibility on Friday, Oct. 18, 2023, if passing all classes.
3 Week Grade Checks
A student who has been ineligible, can regain eligibility to play in games if passing ALL CLASSES on these dates below:
* All students are academically eligible during the Thanksgiving Holidays, Winter Holidays, and Spring Break.during the Thanksgiving Holidays, Winter Holidays, and Spring Break.
To be eligible or to regain eligibility, the student must be passing all classes. The exception are the classes that are identified "Advanced Classes." An approved waiver must be on file.
Questions concerning the UIL Eligibility Dates can be found in the UIL Side-By-Side Manuel.*** You can find the UIL web site at