Mr. Simmons CTE
Accounting I
Classroom Weekly Meeting Times Microsoft Teams
Class Period | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | In the Office |
Monday | 9:00am-9:30am | 9:45am-10:15am | 10:30am-11:00am | 1:00pm-1:30pm | 1:45pm-2:15pm | 2:15p-3:00pm |
Tuesday | ||||||
Wednesday | ||||||
Thursday | ||||||
Friday | Assignments Due Weekly by 12pm | Assignments Due Weekly by 12pm | Assignments Due Weekly by 12pm | Assignments Due Weekly by 12pm | Assignments Due Weekly by 12pm | Assignments Due Weekly by 12pm |
Notes on Classroom
If you are unable to make the scheduled time, message Mr. Simmons during Office hours.
Tuesday-Thursday Mr. Simmons is available to Students & Parents with concerns or questions.
Rules for the Class Chat, Voice, Video
Each weekly meeting, you must sign on face to face (video ON to show it is you, then you may turn off the video during the chat) within the classroom with the Teacher
NO inappropriate language, video, or otherwise distracting acts/actions during online sessions
All online interactions are recorded and reviewed by VISD for attendance purposes and accountability for class credit
Problems & Troubleshooting
If you have not downloaded Microsoft Teams to your desktop, please do so
Sluggish or lagging computer- try restarting
If you have conflicts between meeting times with classes, a recording of the video will be posted for further review
Accounting I (ACCT-I)
Fall, 2019
Mr. Simmons
Room A144 (VW)
Welcome to Accounting– I! I am pleased you have chosen this course. You will learn valuable skills that can be used during your school years and/or on the job
Course Description
Students will investigate the field of Accounting and how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social legal and ethical factors.
Students will reflect on the knowledge as they engage in recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing, and communicating data and information.
Students will formulate and interpret financial information for use in management decision making within a broad array of industries
You will have the opportunity to certify in QuickBooks Desktop Pro
Grading Guidelines
Daily Class Work 60%
Tests/Special Projects 40%
Mission Statement
VWHS will ensure student achievement for all
Classroom Rules/Procedures
All VISD classroom rules and procedures will be followed. Several rules/procedures are highlighted below and/or specific to ACCT-I Labs:
Attendance is important
Be on time and ready to work with appropriate materials
Tardy Policy will be enforced.
Use the Internet only when completing an assignment.
Be respectful of school property, teachers and classmates
Personal items (water bottles/ backpacks are to be placed at the center table upon entering the classroom
No food allowed in the Computer labs
No games or on-line chatting
All Cell phones must be turned in at the Door daily on OFF
School dress code will be followed
Do not change screen saver or desktop backgrounds
Notebook; (pen/pencil bag for cell phone) required to keep all handouts and graded papers (as instructed by the Teacher)
Typical Day in Accounting-I
Arrive in the classroom to turn-in all your smart devices before the tardy bell and turn-in your cellphone before you are seated. If you are wandering the room you will be sent out for a tardy slip before you can return to the classroom.
Check the “whiteboard” for a “warm-up” daily and the day’s assignment. Refer to the objective to understand the meaning of the assignment. The teacher will take attendance during this time.
After taking attendance, the teacher will deliver the lesson/instruction for the class. Students will practice the task and complete the assignment while the teacher monitors and assists students as needed.
The teacher will advise students when to stop working and log off their computer. Each student is responsible for keeping their area clean and must return any handouts to the appropriate folder.
The teacher will make available all assignments and it will be the student’s responsibility to make up all work you have missed before each grading period.
Contact Information
It’s an exciting year at VWHS! Please let me know of any concerns or questions you may have concerning Accounting-I.
Mr. Simmons, holds an MBA, and is Advanced Technical Certified for the following college level courses:
Accounting I & II – AcctI & II
Business Information Management I - BUSIM1
Principles of Information Technology - PRINIT
Business Management - BUSMGT
Business Information Management II - BUSIM2
Business Law - BUSLAW
Entrepreneurship - ENTREP
Email Address:

Telephone Number:
361 578-2830
Ex: 39144(VWHS)
Conference Period: 6th Period
1:10 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Important Note
Accounting-I is a college level course therefore. This year you will have an opportunity to earn the Industry based certification for QuickBooks Pro Desktop.
Each student will need to know their last 4 digits of their SSN or Social Security Number to log in to the VISD intranet or VISD computers. It is also important to return all permission forms to me to be on file for accessing the internet.