About Me...

Mrs. Symonds (formerly known as Ms. Chaisson) has been teaching for 8 years. She graduated with her B.A. in Communication Studies from UTB in 2014 and her M.A. in Communication Studies from UTRGV in 2016.

She started teaching English and Theater in Beijing, China in 2017 and moved to Shanghai in 2020 to teach English and Reading.

Upon moving back to the states, she taught dual credit Speech at Texas Southmost College and Social Studies in Jacksonville, FL.

She started teaching Professional Communications, Speech and Debate, and Touch Data at Victoria West in 2021.

Schedule and Tutorials

1st period DC Speech

2nd period Professional Communication

3rd period Professional Communication

4th period Advanced Academics

***B LUNCH ***

5th period Conference

6th period Advanced Academics

7th period Advanced Academics

8th period Advanced Academics


Monday 3:00-3:30

Friday 3:00-3:30

Contact information

