Victoria ISD was recently awarded the 2021 District of Distinction Award by the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) for the third consecutive year. From over 1,100 eligible districts state-wide, only 40 districts receive this award.
VISD received the honor for providing a well-rounded education that advocates and integrates visual arts curriculum to inspire creativity and build social-emotional learning that connects learners to their community and beyond
“I can't be more proud of the collaboration and family connection that our Visual Arts teachers and students have together,” said David Edge, director of Fine Arts. “That type of relationship changes lives and brings the honor of this TAEA Award for 3 consecutive years!”
VISD, alongside the other 39 winning districts, will be honored at the TAEA Administration & Supervision Division meeting and during the TAEA Fall Conference General Assembly on Friday, Nov. 5, 2021.
“VISD has set a high standard for visual arts advocacy, integrated visual arts curriculum, encouraged creativity, community participation and student growth,” said Stacia Gower, chair of the Administration and Supervision Division of TAEA. “The past school year, educators faced many challenges associated with constantly changing guidelines and instruction procedures as well as participation in the contest and visual art events. It is a true testament to our visual art educators’ skill, dedication, and flexibility that the quality of their programs continued strong and comprehensive.”
About TAEA
TAEA is the largest state professional organization for art educators in the United States. It is the mission of TAEA to promote quality visual arts education through leadership, advocacy, service, and professional development.