


1st period: Cade 7th & 8th Grade Treble Choir 8:30-9:20
2nd period: Cade 6th Grade Treble Choir 9:24-10:13
3rd period: Cade Boys choir 10:17-11:06
4th period: Lunch/Travel to West HS/PW 11:10-1:03
5th Period: Patti Welder 6th Grade Treble/Boys Choir 1:07-1:57
6th period: Patti Welder 7th & 8th Grade Treble Choir 2:01-2:51


1st period: Cade 7th & 8th Grade Treble Choir 8:30-9:20
2nd period: Cade 6th Grade Treble Choir 9:24-10:13
3rd period: Cade Boys choir 10:17-11:06
Lunch/Travel to West HS/PW 11:10-2
6th period: Patti Welder 7th and 8th Grade Treble Choir 2:17-3:45


1st period: Cade 7th & 8th Grade Treble Choir 8:30-9:20
2nd period: Cade 6th Grade Treble Choir 9:24-10:13
3rd period: Cade Boys choir 10:17-11:06
Travel to PW 11:10
5th period: Patti Welder 6th Grade Treble/Boys Choir 11:38-1:08
Lunch/Travel to West HS

Choir Handbook

All-Region Choir Audition Music


The Captain's Mate

Ave Verum Corpus

ms beirne

Ms. Beirne is a graduate from A&M University-Kingsville with a degree in music education with an emphasis in voice.