Courtney Stoltenberg Practical Writing
Welcome to Practical Writing! This course was designed as a supplemental course for English I. Over the course of the year, we will cover a variety texts, practice different writing techniques, and prepare for the English I EOC!
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at or call me 361-788-2830 ext. 39231. I am available during my conference, 5th period, or before or after school.
My Schedule:
8:30-9:20 Practical Writing
9:25-10:15 Practical Writing
10:20-11:10 Practical Writing
11:15-1:10 4th Pd. Advisory/Practical Writing
1:15-2:05 Conference
2:05-2:30 5th Pd. Advisory
2:35-3:25 JV Soccer
3:30-4:20 Varsity Soccer