Practical Writing Skills
Victoria West High School
Instructional Goals
Over the course of this year, your student will enhance a variety of different skills to be used both in and out of the classroom. Together we will work to increase vocabulary, strengthen grammar, writing, and research skills, and read to analyze and appreciate literature.
By the end of this course, you will…
Critically read and analyze a variety of texts
Use increasingly more difficult vocabulary
Effectively write in different modes
Have a strong understanding of conventions in writing
Be able to accurately write a MLA formatted research paper
Be prepared to rock the English 1 EOC!
Required Materials
To successfully complete this course, you will need …
1 4-pack of dry erase markers (any color)
1 box of Kleenex or roll paper towels to leave in classroom
(If you need any assistance for school supplies please let me know ASAP!)
Course Schedule
*Analyzing Fiction- read and analyze a variety of short stories, increase vocabulary, learn and apply literary terminology.
*Vocabulary is ongoing throughout the year. An academic vocabulary notebook will also be created and maintained.
*Grammar and mechanics are reviewed on a regular basis.
*Multi-paragraph writing, which will be the basis for all writing done in high school and college, focusing on expository writing, literary analysis, End of Course (EOC) style of writing, and short answer response.
*Poetry, literary non-fiction, drama, and informational text analysis.
Victoria West Student Guidelines for Success
Warriors are….
Polite, Proud, Prepared, and Positive
Classroom Expectations:
Always be in your seat when the tardy bell rings or walk to the attendance office for a tardy.
Bring appropriate materials to class every day.
Backpacks, purses, etc. should be placed under desk.
Be respectful to others and your surroundings.
No makeup or personal grooming in classrooms.
No use of profanity.
VISD dress code will be enforced.
Cell phones or any other electronic devices must be turned in as students enter the classroom.
No visible ear buds or headphones.
No academic dishonesty—do your own work, no cheating or plagiarism.
*Any behavior that prevents me from teaching and interferes with someone else’s learning is a discipline infraction and will be dealt with according to school procedures.
Assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Your heading must be on each assignment and include the following: full name, teacher, class period, and date. All late assignments will be penalized 10 points per day. After three days, assignments will no longer be accepted and will receive a zero.
Department Grading Categories:
The following Grading Guidelines will apply to all English Courses at Victoria West High School.
Course averages will be computed according to the following weights and categories:
50% Summative: Tests, Projects, Final Drafts
50% Formative: Daily, Quizzes, Journals, Homework
A minimum of one grade will be recorded each of the weeks of the 9 weeks – at least 3 of these grades will be summative grades. Teachers have been given the responsibility of recording all grades into the Parent Grade book within one week of the assignment’s due date. Summative assessments may be given administrative approval to allow a few more days for grading reasons. Information about course work and grades is available online through the VISD home page by accessing the Parent Grade book.
West High School English Department follows the VISD Grading Policy
Tutoring/Additional Assistance
I will be available for tutoring before and after school. My conference/planning period is 5th period.
Instructor Information:
Name: Courtney Stoltenberg
Room #: A218
Phone #: (361) 788-2830 ext. 39231
The Victoria Independent School District and its career and technology education program do not discriminate on the basis of gender, disability, race, color, age or national origin in its education programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI.
El distrito escolar independiente de Victoria y su programa educacional de carrera y tecnologia no discriminan a base de genero, incapacidad, raza, color, edad u origen nacional en sus programas educativos, actividades, o empleo como lo requiere el Titulo IX, Seccion 504 Titulo VI.
Signature page should be run off separately so the parents can be asked to read the syllabus electronically from your webpages….It saves a lot of paper to just run a class set for discussion and direct the parents to your webpage.
We have read the syllabus, posted on the teacher webpage, and understood what is expected to successfully complete this course. Please sign and return to the (your name) by (date).
Student Signature:______________________________________________ Date: ______
Parent Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:_______
Parent email:____________________________________________________________________
Parent phone number_________________________________________________________
Second phone number________________________________________________________